Our focus is quality, but quantity matters
Case management is more about improving service quality than quantity. Primero has always been more focused on helping frontline serviceproviders deliver that quality. Quality in terms of timely services, tailored to the specific individual's need. Quality in terms of data protection and data privacy, so our partners and clients trust that their data is safe. Quality in terms of functionality, such as our tasking, supervision and accountability features, which help us live up to our duty of care. Quality, finally, in terms of user experience, so that we can offer a product which eases the burden on case workers and promotes efficiency.
Quality is the focus, but to have impact, we need to aim to do this at global scale. As a digital public good, our goal is to make Primero widely available, and to use the platform to enable integrated rights-based programming. We need to continue building our community, improving our processes, and working together to reach more vulnerable children and survivors of violence with the services and protection they need.

Quantity has a role to play. So let's celebrate this milestone of 250,000 cases managed using Primero, and all of the case workers, service providers and organizations that helped us reach it.